捐款 Donate

請支持本會事工 , 歡迎自由奉獻 !

Donations of CAD$20 or more will be receipted for tax purpose.
Also, donation receipts are issued in early February annually.

网上捐款方式 Online Methods

Interac e-Transfer

使用電郵轉賬捐款到TCCPA, 請使用電郵地址: tccpa.ca@gmail.com
請在聯絡信息欄目裡註明捐款人姓名和地址, 作為發放捐款收據用途
To make an e-Transfer donation to TCCPA, please use the email: tccpa.ca@gmail.com
And specify donor’s name and address in the message for donation receipt purposes

PayPal (credit/debit card)

使用PayPal捐贈, 並不需要有PayPal賬戶, 可用信用卡和銀行卡完成捐款
此途徑捐款會構成手續費, 請盡可能用電郵轉賬捐款
PayPal donation does not require an account to complete the process. Donate through this method will incur transaction fees, we encourage all donors to donate by e-transfer to maximize your donation impact.

(credit card/Google Pay/gift card)

經CanadaHelps.org捐贈,  可用信用卡和銀行卡完成捐款
此途徑捐款會構成手續費, 請盡可能用電郵轉賬捐款
Donate through CanadaHelps.org. Donate through this method will incur transaction fees, we encourage all donors to donate by e-transfer to maximize your donation impact.

By Mail

支票抬頭請寫 Payable to: “TCCPA”
寄往 send to: P.O. BOX 56595,
8601 Warden Ave., Markham, Ontario L3R 0M6

電話 Tel: 647-977-7586

電郵 Email: parenting@tccpa.org

奉獻信封內請附上捐款人的姓名, 地址和電話, 如果想經電郵收到免稅收據, 請提供您的電郵
Please provide your full name, mailing address and contact phone Number. If you wish to receive the tax receipt via email, please also provide your email address.